index vol. 1 vol. 2 vol. 3 misc


Welcome to the homepage of C-Side, a podcast about things you forgot you didn't know!

This podcast, hosted by yours truly, will cover an array of topics. It'll mostly be niche interests I had growing up. Please note of course, that all people are in the process of growing up, and as such the content of this podcast may be more modern than this simple Neocities format may allude to.

While all the episodes of the podcast (from here on called Volumes) are available on this page, you can click the tabs above to go to a page specifically for post-episode discussions, which will feature my thoughts after making the episode in the body, and my immediate feelings on the sidebar! Here the sidebar just features a short bio and some links to my friends on Neocities.


Each of the volumes of this podcast will be available below! If you're here you'll probably want to give those a listen! As this is just the initial version of the podcast originally made for ENGL488B, there will only be 3 recordings available. More tapes on the way*!

Vol. 1: Plastic Models

The First Tape! Introduces listeners to the general style of the podcast, along with sharing my experiences with model making. If the embed below doesn't work, click here!

Vol. 2: Fallout

C-Side proudly presents this collaborative tape recorded in conjunction with Vault-Tec! Just kiddin', I'm just talking about my experience with the Fallout series. Soundcloud link riiiiiiight here!

Vol. 3: Timeloops

Warning: This tape may repeat. Please let it do so, sometimes thinking about a subject multiple times can be eye-opening. Link to SoundCloud version here


The host of this podcast loves to overshare so much they made a whole podcast about it! They're 22 years old, enjoy semi-obscure anime and games, and use the internet far more than they probably should!

friends of c-side



design by almost sweetresources